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High School Program​

Shepherd Christian High School offers a comprehensive system of record keeping, including official transcripts and diploma, with a choice of General Studies or College Preparatory coursework options. Beginning in 2002, the High School Program has had 68 graduates as of 2023.


The High School Program operates in much the same way as the K-8 Program, although the two are entirely separate, operating essentially as two different schools. Parents are provided with a Handbook explaining all forms and procedures as well as all forms needed for each school year.


Parents of high school students meet privately with the administrator three times per school year to establish and review required documentation of coursework, and to assure that their student is meeting the requirements for high school graduation. Monthly Report forms are submitted through the mail, and sample coursework is collected to create a portfolio for each student. Please note that email or FAX submissions of paperwork are not permitted.


The school year runs from August 1 through June 30, but parents may choose their calendar of school days within that time frame. Curriculum is chosen and provided by the parent and is required to be high school level.




Important Dates

·Last day to enroll for fall semester: September 1

·Fall semester: August 1 – January 31

·Last day to register for spring semester: March 1

·Spring semester: February 1 – June 30

·Re-enrollment begins: March 1


No mid-semester enrollments will be accepted. Each semester must include approximately 90 documented school days within the time frame listed above.


Teenger Playing Guitar
Helping a Student
Girl and Horse


· Enrollment Fee (per family/year): $40 /first high school student

Each additional high school student: add $20

This fee must accompany the Application(s) for Enrollment.


· Tuition (per family/month): $20 /first high school student

Each additional High school student: add $10

Tuition is paid eleven months of the year (August-June).


· Re-enrollment (per family/year): $20 per high school student

Re-enrollments are accepted beginning March 1 each year.


· Diploma Fee (per high school senior): $20

This fee is due upon a student’s enrollment in 12th grade. The graduate is provided with an official high school diploma in a vinyl cover.


· Late Fee (per month): $10

Monthly Report forms are due on the 1st of each month. A late fee is charged if paperwork is postmarked after the 10th of the month in which it is due.


·Home School Legal Defense Association Membership

(per family/year): $120

This is a discounted rate provided to our school families and is paid directly to HSLDA. Our group discount number is 296184. Contact the school office for further information or for an HSLDA application.


·Additional counseling services: $25 per 2-hour meeting


He shall lead His flock like a shepherd; He shall gather the lambs in His arms, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those who are with young.                    Isaiah 40:11

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